Yesterday, I had the day off work and spent it sewing, punctuated only by coffee dates with a couple of friends. The sewing machine currently resides in the bedroom, so I set up the ironing board and a cutting table, put my music on shuffle, and had a wonderful day stitching bits of brightly-coloured scrap (thrown all over the bed and floor) into crazy quilt blocks. I’ve also been knitting, for the first time in over a year, and that’s felt good too.
I have come to realize that I have an inherent need to create, and when I am not exercising it, I feel out of sorts – much in the same way as I do if I am not exercising physically or giving my social and intellectual muscles a stretch by spending time with interesting people.
There was an article in Geez a few issues back that outlined a theory that God is creativity. Not that he is the creator, or the source of creativity, but that creativity itself is actually the embodiment of the divine spirit. I was intrigued by this concept – it’s maybe a bit further than I am willing to go, but I cannot argue that there is something integral in the experience of taking raw material (whether it’s a pile of fabric, a bushel of cucumbers, or a blank piece of paper) and making it into something.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
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Ahhhhhh every time you post I want to respond. Starting to feel like a stalker...
For me this is what the movie Jesus of Montreal is about. Such a good film--maybe time to rewatch... :)
See Ryan - your stalking has pulled m-clark out of the woodwork. Is it more stalkerly to comment on every post, or to read and not comment?
As for Jesus of Montreal - it's been such a long time since I watched it, that I can't even respond . . . I remember something about the St. Joseph Oratory and actors . .. but the themes are lost to me. M - I'll let you know if we rent it anytime soon.
Well I for one enjoy reading El Magador's posts and I often do not comment as I ponder the new ideas, new viewpoints and new avenues of thought.
I am completely comfortable saying I am not a stalker. :O
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